Case Study

SD Lab Doubles Close Rate with Video Messaging

SD Lab uses video across the sales process, ultimately doubling their close rate from 25% to 50%.

increase in close rate
increase in replies
more meetings

A Few Video Clips


About the SD Lab

SD Lab is dedicated to supporting pre-Series to Series B organizations in building, scaling, and optimizing their outbound sales efforts. Unlike typical appointment setters, SD Lab positions itself as a growth partner, offering a collaborative approach to sales development. Their services include a 14-week Revenue Accelerator program, which aims to refine their clients’ personnel, processes, and technology. This program is designed to help companies transition from founder-led sales to scalable outbound motions or to optimize existing sales teams that may be underperforming.

Tom Slocum, a key leader at SD Lab, is a staunch advocate of video in sales. His belief in the power of video to simplify complex ideas and foster genuine connections has been a driving force behind the agency’s adoption of Sendspark.

Challenges faced by the SD Lab

Despite their expertise and a seasoned team, SD Lab encountered several significant challenges in their outbound sales efforts. One major issue was the difficulty in scaling personalized outreach. 

Traditional email methods, while personalized, were time-consuming and often failed to capture the attention of prospects inundated with text-based communication.

Additionally, conveying complex information through emails proved to be a challenge. Text lacked the nuance and engagement of face-to-face interactions, making it hard to explain intricate concepts effectively. Breaking through the noise in crowded inboxes was another hurdle, as prospects often ignored or skimmed over long emails.

Moreover, there was initial resistance within the team towards using video. Concerns about time management, the perceived complexity of creating videos, and discomfort with appearing on camera were significant barriers.

Tom Slocum elaborated on these challenges, stating, "We were struggling with our outbound efforts because our emails weren't standing out. Prospects were overwhelmed with text-heavy communication, and we needed a way to differentiate ourselves and convey our message more effectively."


To address these challenges, SD Lab adopted Sendspark, integrating its dynamic video features into their sales processes. Sendspark allowed them to personalize videos at scale, making outreach more engaging and efficient. 

Here’s how they implemented Sendspark:

Dynamic Video Personalization

Sendspark’s dynamic video feature enabled SD Lab to create one video that could be personalized for each recipient by simply replacing names and other specific details. This approach allowed them to maintain a high level of personalization without the need to create individual videos for each prospect.

Strategic Video Deployment

SD Lab used video at various stages of their sales funnel. For prospecting and outreach, Tom and his team started incorporating video to make initial contact, nurture leads, and revive dead opportunities. Proposal walkthroughs were another key application. Instead of sending lengthy emails, they used video to walk clients through proposals, significantly improving understanding and engagement.

They also used dynamic video messages for holiday greetings and event invites, adding a personal touch to their communications. Training and encouragement were crucial in overcoming the initial resistance to video. With Sendspark’s user-friendly interface and support, even team members like Martin, who is blind, embraced video and achieved higher meeting rates.

Tom emphasized the impact of video, saying, "Video changed the game for me in taking a complex idea and simplifying it. You can break through a lot of noise. It’s all about being engaging and bringing your personality to the forefront."

Results of using Sendspark

The implementation of Sendspark yielded remarkable results for SD Lab. 

Campaigns including personalized videos, led to higher open and reply rates. Tom’s close rate improved from 25% to 50%, thanks to video-enhanced proposal walkthroughs. The use of video fostered stronger connections with prospects, making SD Lab’s outreach more memorable and impactful.

One notable success was Martin, their Head of Sales experience with video. 

Despite his initial reluctance and the challenges posed by his blindness, Martin’s personalized video outreach led to more meetings and positive responses than traditional methods.

"Martin, who is blind, embraced video and now gets more meetings than ever before, just by being authentic and engaging on camera."

Future Use of Sendspark at the SD Lab

Looking ahead, SD Lab plans to deepen their integration of Sendspark across various aspects of their operations. They aim to use video for enhancing customer success processes, ensuring clients have a smooth onboarding and support experience. Internal training will also benefit from video, making it easier to share knowledge and best practices within the team.

Additionally, SD Lab intends to expand the use of video for promoting webinars and events, leveraging Sendspark’s capabilities to reach a wider audience more effectively. Tom’s continued advocacy for video ensures that it will remain a central component of SD Lab’s sales strategy.

Video for Sales,
that Scales

Unlock personalization at scale with Sendspark today!