Case Study

OutboundSync Boosts Inbound Traffic and Customer Engagement by 30%

Outbound Sync leverages Sendspark to create personalized videos that increase site traffic, demos, and feature adoption.

increase in inbound traffic
more demo requests
higher feature adoption

A Few Video Clips


Company Overview

OutboundSync integrates outbound tools with CRM systems like HubSpot and Salesforce. Founded with the mission to help teams use the most powerful tools and keep their data in one place, OutboundSync's SaaS product pulls extensive data from outbound campaigns into their users’ single system of record.

OutboundSync serves B2B teams with high average customer value, where outbound is a viable method of acquiring new customers. These teams are looking for an edge and to adopt the most innovative tools. But they don’t want to get siloed across systems. The product automates routine tasks, improves data accuracy, and ultimately helps companies book more meetings and drive growth.

Finding a Video Platform

Before adopting Sendspark, OutboundSync faced several significant challenges finding a video platform that worked for them. 

Their primary hurdle was identifying a video tool that provided robust integration with HubSpot, enabling seamless sharing and downloading of videos across multiple platforms. 

Additionally, they needed a solution that could support high-quality recording and captioning while simplifying the distribution process. 

Harris Kenny, the founder of OutboundSync, expressed these challenges succinctly: "We needed a tool that was flexible and could integrate well with our existing systems, making video creation and sharing a hassle-free process."

Why They Decided on SendSpark

Harris Kenny's initial interest in Sendspark was piqued by its integration with HubSpot, a critical feature for OutboundSync. Beyond this, Sendspark's flexibility in video recording and sharing, coupled with its responsive engineering team, made it an attractive choice. 

The introduction of the macOS desktop app, which allowed the use of the continuity camera on iPhone, and features like automated closed captions further solidified their decision. 

Kenny elaborated, "Sendspark stood out because of its ability to integrate seamlessly with HubSpot and the ease of recording and distributing videos."

How They Have Rolled It Out

OutboundSync has integrated Sendspark deeply into their operations, using it extensively across their sales, marketing and customer success functions. 

On the sales and marketing side, they use it for recording quick, high-quality videos that can be shared via HubSpot, downloaded, or embedded in different platforms. This tool has become essential for their onboarding and customer success processes, enabling the creation of engaging and informative content that effectively reaches their audience. 

Kenny explained, "We are baking more video into our onboarding and sales processes because Sendspark makes it easy to create and share video content."

For onboarding, OutboundSync creates detailed instructional videos to guide new users through their system, in conjunction with traditional text-based articles and emails, which often went unread. For sales, they use personalized video messages to introduce their product’s features, demonstrate its benefits, and follow up on customer inquiries. 

This approach has proven to be much more engaging and effective.


Since implementing Sendspark, OutboundSync has observed substantial improvements in their engagement metrics. 

The ability to quickly create and share videos has led to increased inbound traffic, more demo requests, and higher feature adoption among customers. The tool’s flexibility and ease of use have enabled the team to communicate more effectively and efficiently. Kenny emphasized, "Our inbound traffic is up, we're taking more demos, and customers are adopting features more readily. The impact is clear."

These positive outcomes are attributed to the seamless integration of video content into their communication strategies. 

Video messages are either supporting, or replacing, lengthy emails and text documents, resulting in higher engagement rates. Additionally, the ease of creating and distributing video content has saved the team significant time and effort.

Closing Thoughts and Plans for the Future

OutboundSync is doing a better job communicating with their current and prospective customers, thanks to SendSpark. 

The tool has streamlined their video communication strategies, leading to increased inbound traffic and higher feature adoption rates. Moving forward, OutboundSync plans to integrate video into more aspects of their business. They aim to expand their use of Sendspark for training, customer support, and internal communications.

Harris Kenny closed saying, “Finding a tool that records video is one thing—anyone can do that. Building a platform that makes it easy to capture and distribute content is another. Sendspark understands how my team works and they’re making it easy for us to adopt video. We’re meeting customers where they are. And it is transforming our business.”

As Harris Kenny noted, "We are baking more video into our onboarding and sales processes because Sendspark makes it easy to create and share video content." This highlights their commitment to using video to enhance their communication and operational strategies.

Video for Sales,
that Scales

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